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Citizens Takeout Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if a policy has been assumed by Safepoint?

On the date of assumption, policies will “flagged” in ePas/Policy Center with a Non-Renewal takeout indicator. If the policyholder Opts Out after the assumption date, the indicator will be removed.


How can I get a list of my policies that were assumed?

You may retrieve all Notices of Assumption and Non-Renewal through PolicyCenter Documents.


How does Safepoint select policies they would like to assume?

Citizens provides Safepoint with the policy data, which we and our modelers use to determine which policies to assume. The data includes the following types of information:

  • Insured contact information including name, mailing address and property address.
  • Agent contact information including name and mailing address.
  • Rating information including type of risk (single family home, mobile home, condo, renters); age of structure; dates of updates, if applicable; occupancy; credits; some claims information and more.


I received multiple solicitations from takeout companies. Some of the companies indicated that they want to assume the same policies. Are the companies allowed to choose the same policies?

Yes. Private Market companies use the same data to select policies for assumption. It is common for companies to select the same policies based on favorable risk characteristics.

Will the Policyholder be advised of all companies interested in their policy?

Yes, if multiple companies wish to select the same policy, all companies are listed on one Policyholder Choice Form that is sent to the insured. The insured may select one of the offers listed, or chose to remain with Citizens.


I initially agreed to be appointed with Safepoint, but now I’ve changed my mind. What do I need to do?

If you would like to prevent Safepoint from assuming policies from your book of business, you will need to cancel your appointment agreement. Remember that your agreement is a third-party binding contract between you and Safepoint. This means that Citizens will not be able to assist you in determining the conditions and terms of the contract or in terminating the contract. You will need to contact Safepoint directly to discuss your options. Safepoint can only select policies from agents that have a contract with us. To contract with Safepoint Insurance contact


What happens to the policies Safepoint has already assumed?

Policies already assumed cannot be untagged unless the insured requests to Opt Out of the assumption.


When can a policyholder register their choice?

  • The Policyholder Choice Form states that the insured must return the completed form to Citizens or contact their agent by a specified date.
  • If a choice is not registered before the deadline provided on the Policyholder Choice Form, Citizens will schedule the policy for assumption with one of the companies listed.
  • After a policy is assumed, a new policy must be requested in order to return to Citizens.


How quickly are Policyholder Choice Forms processed?

  • Citizens will process Policyholder Choice Forms received via email or fax within two minutes.
  • Citizens will process Policyholder Choice Forms received via U.A. mail within two business days.
  • Selections made by the agent in Policy Center are processed immediately.


What commercial coverage will SafePoint offer?

  • SafePoint will offer wind-only coverage and basic form coverage for commercial non-residential properties.

Will SafePoint offer Special form coverage on its commercial policies now or in the future?

  • Similar to Citizens, the initial policy being assumed will be issued on a basic form. However, with underwriting review and approval, broader coverage can be provided on subsequent renewals.

Is SafePoint admitted in Florida, and therefore are SafePoint policyholders eligible for FIGA?

  • Yes.

What are the lines of business for which SafePoint is licensed to offer coverage?

  • Safepoint is licensed to underwrite Allied Lines, Fire, Homeowners Multi-Peril, Personal Liability, Commercial & Residential Wind-Only, Commercial Property, Commercial Liability, Crime and Commercial Multi-Peril in Florida.

Does SafePoint have a rating acceptable in the secondary mortgage market?

  • Yes. SafePoint is rated “B” by AM Best is "B" and A (Exceptional) by Demotech, Inc. . These ratings are acceptable to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

What are SafePoint’s commercial rates relative to Citizens’ rates?

  • SafePoint rates are filed and reviewed by the OIR. Depending on the location of a risk SafePoint’s rates can be lower or higher than Citizens. SafePoint is providing agents with a policy listing which includes the premium comparison SafePoint policies are NOT subject to the same mid-year assessment as the Citizens policies. Wind-only risks will offer the same coverage level. SafePoint renewal policies are not subject to the mandatory Citizens rate “glide path”.

What is SafePoint’s financial rating?

  • SafePoint is rated by AM Best as B-VI, with over $40 million in policyholders’ surplus. SafePoint is financially secure and exceeds the State’s minimum surplus requirement of $15 million.

Does SafePoint provide 24/7 Claims Reporting?

  • Yes. The phone number to report a new loss is 855-CLAIM15 (855-252-4615). You can also direct your insured to visit our website to report a loss

What is the Claims Process with SafePoint?

  • Safepoint takes pride in contacting policyholders within 24 hours of the first notice of loss being received. If emergency services are required, SafePoint will assist the policyholder by connecting g them with an approved service company that can assist them with emergency services.

How is SafePoint different from Citizens?

  • We have a dedicated Underwriting team that you can contact directly should you have questions regarding coverages and policy forms. SafePoint provides an exclusive Agent Portal where you can track your renewals, pay the premiums and access easily policy documents; You can also offer broader coverage to your policyholders, if approved by SafePoint, eliminating the need for multiple policies for the same insured.

Can SafePoint renewal policies be endorsed to include additional or broaden coverages?

  • Yes. SafePoint is providing the flexibility for commercial accounts taken out of Citizens to obtain broader coverages under our Business Advantage Policy, subject to eligibility and underwriting review and approval.



Who is Safepoint Insurance Company?

  • A Florida-based homeowners insurance company that provides property and casualty insurance in Florida
  • Headquartered in Tampa, Florida
  • Founded in 2013
  • We provide excellent customer service along with fast and efficient claims-handling. Additional information may be obtained by visiting the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation at
  • AM Best "B" Rated and Demotech "A" Rated


Why did I receive a Policyholder Choice Letter?

  • This letter most likely means your current insurance policy will be included in the depopulation program and has been transferred from the state-sponsored Citizens Property Insurance Corporation (Citizens) to Safepoint Insurance Company.


What is Depopulation?

  • The Florida Legislature authorized Citizens to develop a depopulation program to reduce the number of its insured properties and exposure. Under the program, created by F.S. 627.351 (6)(p)3a, new and existing insurance companies doing business in Florida are allowed to assume policies currently covered by Citizens. Citizens can transfer some of their approximately 1.4M policies back to the private Insurance market. Under the program, private insurance companies, like Safepoint, are encouraged to assume any of Citizens policies; provided they meet the financial and other standards imposed by the Florida Office of Insurance regulation.
  • Additional information may be obtained by visiting the website Citizens Property Insurance Corp. Depopulation website:


Who approves the private market companies that participate in depopulation and what is the criteria?

  • The OIR determines which companies may participate in the depopulation process. Each prospective takeout company must submit an application to the OIR and go through a stringent financial review process before receiving approval.
  • Citizens does not determine which private market companies may participate in the depopulation process. Citizens’ role is to receive the policy selections from the private market companies and ensure that the policies are assumed in accordance with OIR guidelines.


Why I should accept the takeout offer from Safepoint?

  • Safepoint is a financially secure company and is rated B (Fair) by AM Best and rated A (Exceptional) by Demotech. Additional information may be obtained by visiting the AM Best website or the Demotech website.
  • You and your agent can expect excellent customer service along with fast and efficient claims-handling by Safepoint.
  • Your homeowners insurance agent is contracted with SafePoint. The Florida Office of Insurance Regulation and Citizens Insurance have approved Safepoint to assume policies from Citizens.
  • There will be no changes to your current Citizens policy.
  • Our policy forms are substantially the same as Citizens.
  • Although the state assesses all Florida policyholders to replenish a Citizens deficit, those assessments will be less for you as our policyholder rather than as a Citizens policyholder.
    There are several other benefits of participating in the depopulation program:
  • Lowered risk of premium assessments by entering the private market.
  • Citizen’s policies may not be as comprehensive as what a private takeout company may be able to offer.
  • While takeout companies may charge a premium higher than Citizens, it may also be lower.


How can I be assured that Safepoint will be able to pay my claim in the event of a loss?

  • Safepoint is a financially secure company and is rated B (Fair) by AM Best and rated A (Exceptional) by Demotech. Additional information may be obtained by visiting the AM Best website or the Demotech website.
  • Safepoint has over $40M of policyholders’ surplus as of December 31, 2017 (the minimum State’s requirement is $15M).


Can Safepoint assume my policy and then cancel or non-renew it?

  • Safepoint goes through a rigorous process to assume Citizens policies and wants to keep these policies for as long as possible. Safepoint may cancel or non-renew assumed policies in accordance with Florida statutes and OIR guidelines, just like any other insurance company.


Is it required for Safepoint’s renewal premium to be less than Citizens’ premium?

  • No, the rates charged by private market companies may be less than, equal to, or more than what Citizens would charge for the same coverage.


If I decide to accept your offer, what will change?

  • Your policy will renew with Safepoint at its next renewal.
  • Your current agent who services your Citizens policy will continue to service your policy with Citizens until the renewal date, and thereafter with Safepoint.
  • Instead of receiving a renewal offer from Citizens, you will receive one from Safepoint.
  • When the new policy is paid and takes effect, it will provide coverage under Safepoint’s policy forms.
  • Safepoint will become responsible for any covered losses that occur on or after the assumption date.


What do I need to do now?

  • If you accept our offer, no action is necessary on your part.
  • If after careful contemplation your decide to stay with Citizens and decline our offer, you can submit your Policyholder Choice online at


When can I Opt Out of the assumption and remain with Citizens?

You will have until the due date indicated in your Policyholder Choice letter to submit your coverage choice to Citizens. If Citizens does not receive your choice by the date indicated on your Policyholder Choice Form, Citizens will assign your policy to SafePoint. There no longer is a 30-day post-assumption period during which you can return to Citizens. Once an assumption occurs, the policy transfer is final.


When will I receive my renewal from Safepoint?

  • Policyholders removed from Citizens will receive their Safepoint renewal offer approximately 45 days before their normal renewal date. Both you and your homeowners insurance agent will have a chance to review the coverage and rates before you accept the new policy.


Where should I send my premium payments?

  • Your current policy premium has already been paid unless you are paying Citizens in installments.
  • If you are currently paying under the installment plan, continue to pay Citizens.
  • Before your policy reaches the end of its policy term with Citizens, you will receive a renewal offer and bill from Safepoint providing payment instructions and options.
  • If your insurance premium is paid as a part of your mortgage payment, your lender will receive the same premium notice, and there will be no disruption to that process.


What types of payment options are available with Safepoint?

We offer the same payment plans as Citizens to assist you with budgeting your premiums. Payments may be paid annually, semi-annually, or quarterly. Safepoint accepts Mastercard, Visa, Discover, and eCheck.


I use a third-party premium finance company (PFC). Does Safepoint accept payment from the PFC?

  • No


Who should I contact with questions if I do not have an agent and I am dealing directly with Citizens?

  • Until your policy renews, you should deal directly with Citizens. When your policy renews, Safepoint will provide further instructions.


Who should I contact to make a change to my policy?

  • Submit your change request to your agent, and they will forward it to Citizens for processing.
  • Once your policy renews with Safepoint, your agent will forward your requests to Safepoint for processing.


Before my policy was assumed, I received a request from Citizens for additional information/supporting documentation. Do I still need to respond to this request?

  • Yes. Citizens will continue to service your policy up to the expiration date, at which time it should renew with Safepoint.
  • If your Citizens policy cancels for any reason, Safepoint may not be able to
    renew it and you may have a lapse in coverage.


Should I call Citizens or Safepoint if I have a loss?

  • For claims that occur prior to the assumption date listed on the Assumption Notice, contact Citizens toll free at (866) 411-2742.
  • For claims that occur on or after the assumption date listed on the Assumption Notice, call Safepoint Insurance toll free at: 855-CLAIM15
  • For follow up on the status of a claim being handled by Safepoint, call Safepoint Insurance toll free at: 855-CLAIM15

Agency letter:

  • Your agent may contact you at any point in the depopulation process to discuss your coverage options.
  • Agents are not required to use special letterheads or verbiage in their written communications.
  • If you have any questions concerning an agent letter, please contact your agent directly.

Notices of Assumption and Non Renewal form:

  • If your policy is assumed by Safepoint, Citizens will mail you and your mortgage company a Notice of Assumption and Non-renewal. The notice states that Safepoint will provide you with a renewal offer prior to your expiration date, at which time the Citizens policy will non-renew.



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